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TimeValue; The efficient and effective target management platform

"TimeValue is the ideal goal-based management platform for your organization, as it simplifies and improves all processes. This tool allows you to evaluate employee progress and make decisions to optimize overall team performance.

Challenges of Starting a Business in Colombia

Currently, there are great challenges to starting a business in Colombia. Yes, there are both political and social changes that change the landscape for new organizations. For example, state regulations, financing projects...

Recommendations for selecting your work team

Selecting the right team is critical to the success of any project. It is also important to choose people with the necessary skills and competencies to carry out the work and achieve the proposed objectives. That's not all, it is essential that members work...

What is the process of contracting an outsourcing service?

Today, many companies are looking to improve efficiency and reduce costs by outsourcing certain functions and processes that are not core to their business through outsourcing services. The process of contracting an outsourcing service...

The employment contract: definition and characteristics

An employment contract is used by companies to organize the functions and responsibilities with their employees. In addition, it is an agreement between an employer and a worker, who has the obligation to provide their services.

The 5 advantages of outsourcing that you should know

The advantages of outsourcing range from reducing operational costs, focusing on core business to applying qualified talent and resources in strategic areas of the company. Also known as "outsourcing," outsourcing is a process by which an organization hires external.

What are headhunters? | Everything you need to know

Do you know what headhunters are? Headhunters, also known as executive search firms or recruitment agencies, are organizations and individuals specialized in finding and placing highly qualified professionals.

SAP S/4HANA Migration: definition and features

Want to know a little more about the SAP S/4HANA migration process? Many companies that use SAP ERP are already aware that they need to think about SAP S/4HANA. This is because in 2027 SAP will no longer offer support.

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