Software quality management Linexperts

Software quality management Linexperts moviles


Quality management

As expert consultants, we provide different software quality solutions, accompanying companies from the early stages in the development life cycle, to reduce the risk of failures in their operation systems, with agile, traditional or mixed methodologies that ensure the success of your projects.



Sello linexperts X

< itemprop="headline"> Software quality management

Quality process during early stages, minimize the impact on production


icono1 fabrica de pruebas 3d

Testing factories


icono2 gestion de requerimientos 3d

Requirements management


icono3 pruebas de software manuales 3d

Manual software tests


icono4 automatizacion de pruebas 3d

Functional / non-functional test automation


icono5 pruebas de seguridad 3d

Security tests


icono6 revision de codigo 3d

Code review


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Contact us

icon telefono linexperts 601 384 17 40

icon whatsapp linexperts +57 317 3316919

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icon ubicacion linexperts Bogotá - Colombia

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