Projects management linexperts

Projects management linexperts moviles


Direction and Project Management

We provide consulting services in management and project management, with deep methodological knowledge both agile, traditional and hybrid, which increases the probability of success of the initiatives that begin so that the organization's strategy is aligned with the times and results of each project.


Effective project management emphasizes the direction of initiatives.


icon1 implementacion pmo

PMO implementation


icon2 mejoras oficinas de proyectos pmo

Improvement of Project Offices (PMO)


icon3 control de proyectos

Project control


icon4 estandarizacion metodologica

Methodological standardization based on PMI standards


icon5 formacion de equipo direccion

Training of the project management team


< itemprop="headline"> Projects management

img process Projects management linexperts


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For the most strategic projects of your company, get advice from experts.

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Contact us

icon telefono linexperts 601 384 17 40

icon whatsapp linexperts +57 317 3316919

icon email linexperts

icon ubicacion linexperts Bogotá - Colombia

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