Welcome Party: Linexperts 2022 Reunion

Welcome Party: Linexperts 2022 Reunion


Last April, at Linexperts we celebrated our Welcome Party to the year 2022. This was a space in which we celebrated not only a reunion and a return to face-to-face, after almost two years of virtuality due to the pandemic, but it was also the perfect opportunity to also celebrate all those achievements and goals that as a team we have managed to reach throughout this time.

Being able to share these moments again, depicting smiles and happiness, generates not only an enormous joy for us, but also a great motivation to continue working day by day. Returning to face-to-face work is especially important for us, since for the entire Linexperts team the human component is fundamental in the different areas of teh company in which we work.

We thank each of the people who were part of the Linexperts 2022 Reunion, for making this such a special and emotional moment.

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