Keys to improving safety during remote work

Keys to improving safety during remote work/strong>


We share the following article which talks about the keys to improve security during remote work by tecnosfera on the portal; among the keys to have greater security, have a VPN, check the type of router you have.

Maintaining the security of connections is one of the issues that most concern companies and organizations during this time in which a large number of their employees have had to perform their functions through teleworking or remote work due to the pandemic.

This is demonstrated by the report 'Digital shock' by Citrix, an expert company in network connections and server virtualization, in which it is revealed that 76% of companies have stated that they feel vulnerable to a cyber attack due to remote work.

This contrasts with a clear reality and is the speed with which many companies had to adapt to the new work model.

Precisely, according to a study carried out by the cybersecurity company Eset, 61% of the organizations that have gone to remote work to continue their operations consider that they did not have the necessary tools to make connections safely.

In this situation there are several factors that converge, so that a company shields itself and does not become an easy target for attackers.

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A safe way

At first, you have to understand the landscape in which many workers are performing their remote tasks. One of the most common situations is that many of them make use of their personal equipment and not of computers or corporate devices to carry out the work.

“84% of the people who are working in these months of pandemic do so with their personal equipment. This implies that they do not have the same security tools that a corporate team has and that its security depends 100% on the user and not on a technician or a more trained person ”, explains Cecilia Pastorino, computer security specialist at Eset Latin America.

76% of companies have expressed feeling vulnerable to a cyber attack due to remote work.

For this reason, it is essential that the computers making remote connections have, at least, a VPN, which is private and encrypted access, which guarantees that the information that is shared is protected.

"All communication that leaves the computer that the VPN client has to the computer that has the server will be encrypted through a secure tunnel," says Pastorino.

Another option is virtualization of applications and computers. “This allows simulating the load of a workstation to access a desktop remotely. With this, data or information as such is not traveling, pixels and images are traveling, ”explains Juan Pablo Villegas, general manager for Citrix Colombia.

Among the keys is also checking the router that allows internet connection from home. The vast majority of them make it possible to install a firewall, which helps to block dangerous connections. If you can have an enterprise-class one, all the better, as it has much stricter blocking packages.

In turn, it is essential that security updates are always made of the systems that are used in the equipment to fulfill work functions. Authentication systems are also very important.

"If you can have double or triple user authentication, it's much better because it minimizes the impersonation of the employee by attackers," says Villegas.


Responsibility and education

Employees also play a very important role in this regard. To begin with, you have to understand that with every click when it comes to being connected, there is a risk and that the most important thing is to try to be largely prepared.

That is why it is important that information security education is promoted to its employees.

"Companies must seek that their workers are aware of the risks, the different practices that endanger data and what a safe use of technology should be like," says Pastorino.

This is greatly influenced by social engineering that is used by criminals in order to deceive and manipulate people. Among the actions they resort to are malicious emails or advertisements that can generate both information theft and the installation of fraudulent software within the computer, which opens a direct door for the attacker to access passwords and private company data.

"This is a vital issue and the most important thing is to try to minimize the dangers", Villegas points out.


Twitter: @TecnosferaET

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