Challenges in the implementation process from an agile development factory

Challenges in the implementation process from an agile development factory


Managing and coordinating transversal and comprehensive teams is a complicated task, even more if we consider the agile methodologies which we must use to work today, especially in the world of software development.

That is why today we would like to guide you about some of the most important challenges that you can find when you start to implement a software factory with agile development in your company with your clients.


We must seek efficient communications with our team and clients, this will not only allow us and our collaborators to save time as well as will be reflected in better use of resources, allowing us to manage a greater number of clients and fulfilling the goals in more agile measurements. Similarly, ensuring that specialized groups count on all the supplies in order to carry out their duties.

It is recommended that specialized messaging applications to be used in work and production environments and not those such as WhatsApp or Telegram that fulfill their functions but were designed and created for other environments and circumstances.

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Next, we will tell you about those applications that allow you improve communications in your company, regardless of the sector you work in:

Slack: Undoubtedly one of the most important and influential today in the workplace. Broadly speaking, it is an instant messaging application that was designed to manage multiple work teams.

Channels or groups can be created in order to make that, people from the development team can communicate in an agile way, without bothering the other teams, such as the design or accounting teams, with issues that are foreign to them In the same way, if you need to send a global message to all your collaborators, there is a default channel to do it.

Finally, note that Slack integrates with other digital tools, facilitating communication and coordination, a topic that we will talk about later. Some examples might be Meets and Google Calendar.

Notion: This app is huge and extremely versatile. In it, we can register calendars, and panels to keep track of the progress of the tasks delegated to the teams.

With this application, the limit is your imagination, although it is usually used in business contexts to quickly share documentation with our employees.


Designing a methodology and a workflow for each of the projects we are working on would be an extremely complex and inefficient task, especially considering that each of these has certain peculiarities, making it very difficult to design a standard methodology on our own.

Fortunately today we have multiple tools to work with agile methodologies, which are not only extremely efficient with remote teams in different locations, but also have remarkable flexibility, making coupling them to each of our projects a relatively simple task.

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Some of the most used today are Scrum, XP and Lean

We invite you to investigate more about these methodologies and the way to implement them with your teams. It should be noted that most of these methodologies have been designed for creative teams or software development, regardless this feature you can take those elements that are useful to you, and apply them in a particular context.


This is the pinnacle of everything else, as the way we have implemented our communication channels and methodologies will be tested here.

In this way, to have true coordination, where all the elements work efficiently, a person who fulfills the role of leader is necessary. A leader must be a person who adequately combines the needs of the business, the versatility of the product and the technology. This role is commonly known as Product Manager.

To sum up, although superficially looks like an agile development factory is a scheme too complex to apply to your business, the truth is that with professional support and paying special attention to your team and its particularities, it can be a measure of working that represents a great success for your income, opening the opportunity for you to work with more and better clients.


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